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Don't miss the opportunity to get 3 more coaching sessions for a special price!

Special one-time offer, only € 300!
This package includes 3 coaching sessions with Elisa and Nicolò at the same time to focus on your specific goals or points of struggle after you complete the 'Self-mastery in language learning' course. You can use these 3 sessions as you wish. For example, we can focus on specific points of struggle or doubts related to how to implement your own study program or you can ask for support/help on establishing or changing your learning routines. The package is a unique opportunity to have two coaches both focused on your specific questions help you overcome your struggles and doubts. All this for the price of one coach!

How does it work? You select the pricing option of your choice (in this case the course) and add the 3 coaching sessions with me and Nicolò for a very special price (€ 300) by selecting it in this box.

Choose a pricing option

  • Preferred option
    THE SELF-MASTERY COURSE: One-time payment (€299.00)€299.00
  • Preferred option
    THE COURSE + 5 COACHING SESSIONS: One-time payment (€750.00)€750.00
  • Preferred option
    THE COURSE + 5 COACHING SESSIONS: Split pay (2x €375.00)2x €375.00

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You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!


Thank you again for the great course that helped me a lot, not only concerning the Turkish language, but I have been able to apply your lessons to my Polish and Croatian studies, as well.

Particularly essential for me was to learn that I can concentrate on the vocabulary that I personally need. For example, I had earlier thought that I should attain the B2 level in Polish, although I was not going to take the test. Now, I realize that it is more important to invest my time in such material that helps me to speak about subjects that are essential in my job.

Dear Elisa, it was an eye opener for me when you wondered that all of us students wanted to improve our language skills but we did not plan exercises that would help us to do it. As you know, that made me sign up for italki lessons. I have two sweet Turkish teachers, with whom I particularly practise speaking.

Dear Nicolo, your advice was also very helpful for me, concerning the more effective use of time, better options (than coffee) for short breaks, ... and seeking the help from others, which made me contact Zuzanna, whose lecture I heard about Polish phonetics during the Polyglot Gathering. She helps me now once a week to improve my pronunciation.

Thanks to your course, I have also realized that I am indeed a visual learner (see attachment). And that variety is extremely important for me. Otherwise, I would easily get bored. Writing down what I have done each day and how many minutes, was helpful earlier, but now I do not need it anymore.

I wish you many students who will also get a breakthrough with your help!

Paula Junttila
Enrolled in the course in 2020

I would consider myself quite an experienced independent language learner. But this self-mastery language learning workshop helped me a lot. Actually I would say, this workshop helped me to put all pieces of puzzle together in independent language learning.
For example, I knew a lot about learning strategy, but I did not realise how important to apply it, not just know about it. Thanks to Elisa, who underlined a very simple connection between your goal and your activities: If you want to speak in your target language, your priority is speaking. If you want to pass the exam, your priority is grammar. But we want to have all skills at once. Strategy is important!
It was able to manage my everyday activity to learn one language, but when I decided to learn multiple languages at the same time, I found it very difficult to manage all activities. Elisa and Nicolò take you step by step to master your routine. It doesn’t matter how many languages you want to learn at the same time. Often we don’t realize how much time we spend for nothing productive like checking our emails or rushing reply to some not important messages. Nicolò did teach me how to cope with distractions and moreover how to use my “dead” time to be much more productive.
Also, I have learned to be very flexible in embedding my language learning activities in everyday life. I now know how to still enjoy life and learn four languages every day. Thank you to Elisa and Nicolò.

Olga Smith
Enrolled in the course in 2020.

Self-mastery in language learning€0

Do you want to add a spot for your +1? You can do it here!

  • Total payment
  • 1xSelf-mastery in language learning€0

All prices in EUR
